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sneyk13: Ahoj
Kumar1997: Hi
Robmell79: I need help please. Game told me to buy credits to place Ads and when I go to create an Ad itheres no option to use the 10 credits I have only to pay with my ZER balance. Any idea what to do?
szolnoki: Hello mindenkinek
Mydaw: Whatever. Go to advertise . Choose beetwen manage banner ads and manage ptc ads you must choose how much zer you want to convert on credits and then you probably will be able to create ad.
RnaZLnZ3: Hello MyZeroLand
Robmell79: Got past all that before I asked. After buying the Ad credits then going to create the Ad it then only gave me option of paying with my ZER balance not the credits that it told me to buy
szolnoki: Szép estét!
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